Monday, September 8, 2008

3D model

It's about time I posted some 3D work (in progress.)
Still have to make some tweaks, like make the legs a *little* longer and fix the hands n feet.


Richie Blitz said...

Looks freakin sweet!

Damien said...

Nice characther, love the expression of his face. Although its slighty lost in the smoothed render, it might be an idea to compare the faceted and smooth poly models to identify whats getting lost. Like in the side of his face and the creases coming from the nostrils. Love to see how this piece develops.

Brendan Carroll said...

Thanks for the comments!

Richie - Thanks, you're freakin awesome!

Damien - Yeah that's a good idea to compare the smoothed version to the low-proxy model. I'll do that in future. Thanks for the tip! I'll be posting more of him soon. Texturing and riggin now, and workin on blendshapes.

Irena - BEEEB!! You're coming up with my character names in future :)