Sunday, November 14, 2010

Starbucks Doodles

Some doodles I doodle do in Starbucks on my Wacom. More to come real soooooon!


Marcus Ng said...

wacom? you need an ipad! actually most of these remind me of finger painting and I can see your usual BW figure drawing style coming through digitally!

Wayne Parker said...

Ipad = no pressure sensitivity atm anyway. Great job on these Brendon. Marcus is right tho, a pen tablet or ipad is a great portable thing to have in coffee shops ;)

Shane Cauchi said...

The Ipad NEEDS to have this feature, it would be a great tool for so many artists. As always, great work Brendan! Keep posting, I love your shiz.

Unknown said...

these are really great!

g1toons said...

these look really nice, what kind of brush is that, assuming this is photoshop

Brendan Carroll said...

Hi Leon, thanks for the comment! I painted these with Brushes on the iPad using a Kensington stylus.

Adele Hawkins said...

These look so sick, great painterly quality.